AFS events never cease to be amazing. I've been home for two days and I already miss being around other exchange students so much.This was the first time I went to this big of an AFS orientation and I really hope I will be able to attend more of these orientations in the future.
The first four days of my stay in D.C. were part of the returnee integration conference. I was focused on the returnee ambassador track so I got to work on giving presentations about my AFS experience. Now that I got to experience this conference I'm looking forward to my continual involvement with AFS!
In addition we got to visit the Department of State and the students had a question and answer session while we were there. Many students also got to visit their embassies or host state representative.
One of my favorite parts was the culture show on the final night. Each country put together a performance that ranged from traditional country songs and dances, a Nelson Mandela memorial, and the famous azonto dance.
The first four days of my stay in D.C. were part of the returnee integration conference. I was focused on the returnee ambassador track so I got to work on giving presentations about my AFS experience. Now that I got to experience this conference I'm looking forward to my continual involvement with AFS!
The last five days of my stay in D.C. were spent volunteering at the YES and CBYX end of stay orientation. I can honestly say that it was honestly one of the most amazing weeks of my life. This is my first summer in two year not doing a study abroad program, but spending a week around more than 450 international students was just as fun. I was a group leader for the CBYX kids, but I also got to spend time around the YES kids. The orientation was focused on getting the kids prepared for going home and giving them an idea of how to handle reverse culture shock and the different circumstances they are going to face when they get home.
In addition we got to visit the Department of State and the students had a question and answer session while we were there. Many students also got to visit their embassies or host state representative.
One of my favorite parts was the culture show on the final night. Each country put together a performance that ranged from traditional country songs and dances, a Nelson Mandela memorial, and the famous azonto dance.
After spending nine days around so many amazing students and volunteers I have only become more excited for my year abroad in Morocco. I'm down to 74 days left in the states an I'm so grateful to be having all of these amazing experiences!