Sunday, February 24, 2013

Spanish Spelling Success

     This weekend I reached the pinnacle of my status as a language nerd. I won first place in the San Antonio Spanish Spelling bee. Each year teachers select two students from their school to represent the school in the spelling bee, one for the native category and one for the non-native category. The non-native category is defined as students who were not born in a Spanish speaking country. Even though it seems that the non-native category would be easier it was actually the one that lasted longer because non-native students tend to study more since they are not as comfortable with the language.
   I won through two words: otorrinolaringólogo and sanguijuela. The girl that received second place misspelled otorrinolaringólogo, luckily my mom had drilled that word into my head and made sure that I could spell it in my sleep forwards and backwards. After that I was given sanguijuela and it was all over.
    I am so grateful that my Spanish teacher opened up this opportunity for me and for the various people that helped me practice. All of those practices truly paid off and I feel so lucky to have this experience my senior year!