Swimming in the pool and eating amazing food, today was basically a vacation day. We did have some orientation in the morning that reiterated different cultural customs and we got to learn more about what is expected of us with our host families.
A custom that you commonly find in truly traditional Omanis' is eating without silverware. During lunch we got to go to a typical Omani restaurant. We sat on the floor and ate with our hands.
Chicken Tikka Masala and Tandoori. The Tandoori was so spicy that it completely cleared up all my congestion, and it burned a little bit.
A custom that you commonly find in truly traditional Omanis' is eating without silverware. During lunch we got to go to a typical Omani restaurant. We sat on the floor and ate with our hands.
At the restaurant I also saw a liscence plate with a Texas Longhorns decoration next to it!
After the restaurant we got to go to a pool on the roof of a hotel, and it had the most amazing view. There are enormous mountains in Oman, and I hadn't seen them until today.
Near the hotel was a beautiful mosque that we got to stop by, we didn't get to go in because prayer time was in a few minutes, but it was nice to stop by for a few minutes. I know that later on I will be able to go into several other mosques.
For dinner we went to the restaurant the Golden Spoon and ate Indian food, and it was spicier than usual.
Tomorrow I get to take a language placement test and have my first Arabic class! I'm excited to finally become more involved in the Omani culture.
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